Steam Sterilizer

The research and development department of Raouf Medical Equipment Group, based on past experiences, using local knowledge and advanced designs in the context of laboratories and specialized research centers, has designed, and manufactured a hospital sterilization system (autoclave).
Steam Sterilizer is equipped with PLC system to control the correct operation of sterile cycle parameters and increase its safety factor. Also, with the view of export and support of domestically produced products, this system, like other products of Raouf Group, is made of materials with the highest quality to provide high durability, maximum safety, and a simple and user-friendly interface.

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Due to the importance of environmental health in hospitals, this system is in full compliance with environmental requirements, produces little greenhouse gases and low noise. Its installation and maintenance fully adhere to the principles of customer orientation and are very clear, understandable, step by step, and defined. Unique and simple design, reliable performance, product support, and using high-quality materials are the main features of all products manufactured by Raouf Medical Equipment Group.

  • Different capacities from 75 to 700 liters
  • Possibility to use the central steam system, electric steam generator, or both types of functionalities (dual-purpose)
  • Horizontal pneumatic sliding door in one-door and two-door models
  • Full sterile cycle including per-vacuum, sterilization, and drying (post-vacuum)
  • Sterile cycle for solids with temperatures of 121°C and 134°C and the drying phase with settings
  • Sterile cycle for liquids with temperatures of 116°C and 121°C and normal cooling stage with settings
  • Microbiological filter for air purification
  • Steam trap system to prevent sweating of air
  • LCD touch screen for control and performance management system
  • Three indicators to control the chamber pressure, inlet steam pressure, and air pressure
  • Equipped with PLC system for automatic operation with the ability to apply any process
  • Vacuum pump circulating water
  • Saving water system
  • Stainless steel chamber

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Our products are among the best and most reliable medical brands, and for this reason, they have high precision and accuracy. These products are very affordable compared to their high quality. Also, our technical support and after-sales service team are ready to meet your needs at any time and in any place.

Yes. Training to work with the device is given by our experts who have official degrees from prestigious national and international schools. These training courses are completely free and continue until you can easily use the device.

You can call the technical support number so that our experts will be on site as soon as possible and take the necessary actions after evaluating the problem.

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