جراحی دریچه قلب
Posted by admin
17 Jan 2023

Successful Operation of TAVI and VIV in Tehran Heart Center

The surgical team of Tehran Heart Center, along with Raouf Structural Heart Intervention team, managed by Mr. Shirazi, once again saved the lives of patients. Two successful heart valve replacement operations, Valve in Valve (VIV) and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), were performed using the Myval produced by Meril.

The case under VIV surgery was a 33-year-old woman who had pericardial valve replacement about 5 years ago and now needed VIV surgery due to heart valve calcification. TAVI surgery was performed on an 86-year-old patient with severe aortic stenosis. Fortunately, both patients’ surgery was very successful with use of Myval.

The Raouf Structural Heart Intervention team is proud to be present with the respected professors Dr. Haji Zeinali, Dr. Saheb Jam, Dr. Jenab, Dr. Salarifar, Dr. Alidousti, Dr. Parvizi, and other respected colleagues.

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